
James Montgomery

Call 210-690-3700 to see how we can set a transaction up for you

After buying and selling over $200 Million in businesses in the last five years, as a business owner, former banker, and business attorney, I have seen and solved the major sticking points that most businesses encounter, including getting more customers who will spend more per transaction and buy more often  .  .  .

Buying a business? As a mergers and acquisitions firm, we can help you with mergers and acquisitions which include buying existing businesses, stacking related businesses to increase cash flow, and making sure you are getting what you think you are getting.

Looking for an Exit Strategy? The strategy for your business is your road map for success – is it a cashflow machine, a sale, family succession, employee stock ownership plan?  We can help you design what you want, not what happens to you.

Ready to sell your business? Want to get the best sales price? By installing the six systems that all businesses must have, you can increase your price, increase your sales, decrease the hours you spend in the business, and maybe even just keep the business for cash flow.

Selling your business and facing that 23.8% capital gains tax bill? We can structure, before you sign an enforceable contract, to ELiMINATE the capital gains tax by funding a charitable endowment structure.  You keep total control and access to all of your money in a tax advantaged and creditor protected entity while endowing a future charitable gift to the charity you choose.


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